Rule 18 - Responsibilities Between Vessels

Notes on Rule 18

  • Rule 18 gives a pecking order of who has the right-of-way.
  • This rule pertains to only vessels in sight of each other.
  • Overtaken vessels would be the trump to all the vessels listed. However, there won't be many situations where a vessel Not Under Command (NUC) would be overtaking another vessel. Despite this, review the memory device to assist you in placing the "privileged" vessels in the right order (see above).
  • Keep in mind that the INLAND Rules do NOT recognize vessels Constrained By Draft (CBD).
  • INTERNATIONAL Rules states that "any vessel other than a vessel not under command or a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver" must avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel that is CBD.
  • CBD vessels should be placed between RAM vessels and Fishing vessels in the priority of the of this list. We have left it out since it pertains to only INTERNATIONAL Rules.




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