Rule 9 - Narrow Channels
Notes on Rule 9
- The terms of "narrow channel" and "fairway" are used repeatedly but not defined. A "channel" is a natural or dredged lane that is lined by shallow water. A "fairway" is generally open water where the water on either side is slightly more shallow on either side.
- Both rules state that vessels should proceed through narrow channels or fairways as close as possible to the starboard side that is "safe and practicable".
- Vessels in INLAND waters of the "Great Lakes, Western Rivers, or waters specified by the Secretary" will give the vessels "proceeding downbound" with a "following current" have the right-of-way over upbound vessels.
- Vessels less than 20 meters in length or sailing vessels shall not impede any other vessel navigating within a narrow channel or fairway.
- Vessels in a narrow channel have the right-of-way over crossing vessels.
- INTERNATIONAL and INLAND require the overtaken vessel in a narrow channel or fairway to be in agreement and "take steps to permit safe passing". The sound signals for BOTH will be different (see Rule 34).
- Overtaking vessels are the give-way vessels (see Rule 13).
- No anchoring in a narrow channel unless "circumstances" force you to.